Feb 10 TIL: Raycast Quicklinks One of the most significant barriers to writing new blog posts is opening my Statamic control panel. Today, I extracted that away by creating a Quicklink for Raycast. # tips # thoughts # workflow
Feb 10 Laravel Things I Always Lookup This post is a list of things I frequently need to look up in the Laravel documentation. So here’s a quick cheatsheet for myself that you may also find interesting or helpful. # laravel
Dec 22 First Friction with Coverage and PHPStan While building Sunny, I’ve been vaguely checking my code coverage and checking PHPstan and seeing what I’m “forced” to write to get to 100% coverage or to make stan happy. So far, everything it has found has been something I missed. I’ve encountered an instance where these tools encourage me to break my patterns. I probably wouldn’t have written a test for this without coverage or PHPstan. # laravel # code-coverage # phpstan
Sep 28 LifeOS Introduction - Sunny A while ago, I made an application for my family to manage our things, the boxes they were in, and the boxes’ locations in our house. Then, I added the ability for my spouse to log their chronic pain. And then, I added a way to see a dashboard on my desk. It quickly became the application that I put everything in, not just for things to help us manage our lives but also for me to test out new technologies. I'm rewriting it to add new features and play with Flux UI. Check out the features that I'll be building, and come along for the ride! # laravel # family
Sep 13 What to Publish While driving to Walmart earlier today, I listened to the latest episode of Caleb Porzio's Notes on Work podcast, and I had some thoughts and wrote them down. # thoughts # laravel # ramblings
Mar 19 How to familiarize yourself with a new app Opening up a new project that you're unfamiliar with can be daunting. Where do you start? What does the stack look like? After working at Tighten for two years and routinely switching to different projects, I have developed a system to familiarize myself with an application quickly. # web-dev # laravel
Mar 18 How to get started in programming? Over the years I've had a few friends ask me how I got started in programming and how they can get started themselves. # web-dev
Mar 6 Introducing Rollo: A Time Tracking app using Laravel and Filament Follow along as I stream the process of building a Time Tracking app that works for me using Laravel and Filament. # wip # web-dev # laravel # filamentphp
Feb 11 Holiday Episodes Ash and I have been making an list of all of our favorite holiday episodes, so we can watch them around that holiday. Unfortunately, with the new Slack changes we lost our list. I'll be updating this list whenever we come across a holiday episode. # family # read-later
Jan 22 New Website I just deployed my new website, which feels like I do every other year or so... take a look at the details on how it's set up and stuff. # web-dev
Jan 15 Filament v2 - Table Header Actions in Widget An undocumented feature of Filament v2 I found recently is the ability to add actions to table headers! # tips # web-dev